Where Is Your Passion for Health?
It is a mission. We need to wake up to our health care.
It is not just one part of health care. It is Whole Health.
Here is what I mean.
Sometimes, when we think health care, we think exercise, going to the doctor, or just eating right. Although each of these elements are essential, it is more.
Other times, when we think health care, we think about the controversy around health care reform. Although we need to be involved in our policy discussions, it is more.
Here is what I mean. Take a look at the matrix below. When discussing health care, we need to take two perspectives: Personal Care and Health Care System.
Personal care is what we all normally think about. It is:
- What do we need to eat to be healthy?
- How often do we need to go to the doctor?
- How much exercise is enough?
- What vitamins should we take?
Health care system may be a little more abstract for most. It is:
- How is my data made available – electronically or paper?
- Who pays for my health care?
- How is my health care paid?
- How do Medicare and Medicaid work?
The call to action: You need to be Whole Health passionate!
Let’s quickly explore each quadrant.
You need to care. Period. It is your health. It is your health care system. Being apathetic is not an option. You need to spend time to care about your personal health and about how your care is delivered and received. If you are in this quadrant, then a simple sentiment is very applicable: Move up and over!
The good news is you care about your body – inside and out. You exercise; you eat right; and you see a physician at least annually. The bad news is that you are not spending any time understanding the basics of our health care system. EHR and PHR are unknowns. You fill out clipboard after clipboard, and don’t think twice about it, or why you have to! If you are in this quadrant, then you need to spend some time to expand your perspective on how our health care system works and, maybe, why it is the way it is!
We all know them. They are the wonks – Policy Wonks or Technology Wonks. If you fall in this quadrant, then you understand health care technology inside and out; you understand our health care policies, systems, and programs inside and out; or you understand both very well. You are to be commended, except if you are ignoring your own personal health. Your expertise is needed, but it is required for more than 5, 10, 20 or 50 years. If you are in this quadrant, then carve out the time to get healthy!
Whole Health
Congratulations! If you are in this quadrant, then you spend the time to know and do the things to be a healthy person, and you take the time to understand how our health care system works. If you are involved in promoting both, then you get bonus points! You are well-aligned in personal and health care. Spread your enthusiasm and knowledge.
So, what’s next? How can people get to Whole Health passion?
Here are a few simple steps to consider and take.
Get the personal care perspective:
- Annual exam: If you haven’t had your annual physical, schedule it now.
- Get physical: If you are not exercising regularly, get moving. It can be small steps, just take a step.
- Eat right: Check your daily calorie intake. Ensure you are getting the right mix and level of everything you need.
- Read healthy: Find a physician or clinic blog or subscribe to your favorite exercise magazine. Read some healthy food or exercise related publication to keep your focus and inspire you to stay on the right healthy track.
Get the health care system perspective:
- Learn the lingo: Check out some key acronyms and what they really mean. Start with PHR, EHR, and HIE.
- Embrace the article: When you see that health care reform article in the newspaper, read it. When you see an article on Medicare or Medicaid, read it. Keep current on what is happening with our health care system.
- Engage your physician: Next time you are in your doctor’s office and they hand you a clipboard, ask them when this will be available electronically. When you leave your appointment, ask if they can provide an electronic summary of your visit. Getting your health care system into the current century can start with you; just ask and engage.
- Find your favorite health pundit: In a previous blog, several people and organizations active in health care social media were highlighted. If your physician writes a blog, read it. If not, just do a web search, and you will find many. Get involved in the conversations.
These are simple steps. Yes, it takes some time, but it also has so many benefits. It matters. At some point, your health will depend on it. At some point, your parent’s health may depend on your knowledge to navigate Medicaid and Medicare, plus other life transitions.
Be ready for life. Be passionate… for your whole health’s sake.

Jon Mertz has extensive experience in the technology industry through his work at Corepoint Health, BMC Software, IBM, and Deloitte. Prior to this, he worked in Washington, DC, in various political appointee positions. Jon graduated from The University of Texas at Austin, McCombs School of Business, in 1993. He frequently writes on healthcare and technology topics.